Grape Hyacinth: How To Forage For, Grow Yourself, and Use

Learning to forage for your food is perfect for keeping your reliance off of others and on yourself.

In the Spring and Summer, you will find a lot of edible plants, flowers, and roots to stock your own pantry with. The best part is that you can even plant some of these yourself, and have a beautiful, edible garden.

Grape Hyacinth

Today we’re going to explore one of my favorites – grape hyacinth! This pretty flower can be used in a variety of recipes, both sweet and savory.

Plus, it’s easy to grow and forage for, making it the perfect addition to your springtime repertoire. Let’s get started!

What is Grape Hyacinth?

In the spring, you will often find a gorgeous flower known as the grape hyacinth (its common name), or Muscari armeniacum.

These shrubs are similar to the lily in appearance and are part of the Asparagaceae family, producing gorgeous flower spikes in the early to mid-spring.

They can be grown in zones 3-8 in most cases and prefer cooler climate conditions. There are various cultivars for warmer or cooler locations, however, so be sure to ask which ones are right for you.

Not technically a true hyacinth, this plant has a gorgeous flower color and is often used to adorn walkways and other ornamental areas.

Grape hyacinths are a type of spring-flowering bulb that produces clusters of deep blue or purple flowers. Though they are often grown as annuals, grape hyacinths are actually quite easy to care for and can provide years of enjoyment.

You will find grape hyacinths blooming in late spring. They will often grow in open areas, meadows, and dry grassy areas. Grape Hyacinth flowers have a bulbous root, and will grow to be 6-12 inches in height.

The blossoms are tiny, urn shaped, blue flowers that form in clusters like grapes. Each blossom will have a thin white rim on the bottom. arks or in open meadows.

The blossoms have a slightly sour, slightly grapey flavor, and are a source of Vitamins A and C.

Although there are no poisonous parts on the grape hyacinth, the blossoms are most often used, rather than their leaves, stems, or roots.

Is Grape Hyacinth Edible?

Yes, grape hyacinth is edible – its buds and flowers that is! This lovely little flower is actually a member of the onion family, so it has a mild onion flavor.

You can add grape hyacinths to salads or use them as a garnish on other dishes. They’re also lovely in floral arrangements. If you’re growing grape hyacinths in your garden, you can snip a few blossoms to enjoy indoors.

Just be sure to leave enough flowers on the plant so that it can continue to bloom.

Growing Grape Hyacinth

Want to grow your own grape hyacinth flowers? With a little care, grape hyacinths will thrive and provide beautiful blooms year after year.

Keep these tips in mind…

Best Varieties of Grape Hyacinth

There are many different types of grape hyacinths to choose from, and the best variety for your garden will depend on your climate and preferences.

If you live in a warm climate, you might want to try the Blue Edition grape hyacinth. This variety is known for its heat tolerance and striking blue flowers.

If you’re looking for a grape hyacinth that’s easy to care for, then Muscari armeniacum is a good choice.

This variety is drought-tolerant and can even tolerate light shade. If you want a grape hyacinth with a long blooming season, the Muscari comosum is a good option.

This variety produces fragrant, purple flowers that bloom from early spring to late summer. No matter what type of grape hyacinth you choose, you’re sure to enjoy its beauty in your garden.

How to Plant Grape Hyacinth

Grape Hyacinths can grow in sun or shade. They need moist, but not overly wet soil, so plant with good drainage.

When planting, choose a location that receives full sun to partial shade and has well-drained soil.

Grape hyacinths should be planted in the fall, about 6 weeks before the first frost. Spring bulbs should be placed about 4 inches below the surface of the soil, with the pointed end facing up.

Water regularly during the growing season, and once the flowers have faded, allow the foliage to die back naturally. Cut back the dead leaves only after they have turned completely brown.

Grape hyacinth roots can become invasive, spreading quickly, plant with plenty of space to move.

You can also grow grape hyacinths in pots to avoid spreading too quickly.

Watering Grape Hyacinth

Water grape hyacinths regularly during the growing season, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. Water more deeply and less often once the leaves begin to die back in late summer.

Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again in early fall, when the bulbs begin to form next year’s flowers.

Fertilizing Your Plants

One of the most important things you can do for your grape hyacinth is to fertilize it regularly. Fertilizer provides the nutrients that plants need to grow and produce flowers.

Grape hyacinths prefer a fertilizer with a low nitrogen content and a high phosphorus content. phosphorus helps to encourage root development and flowering.

You should apply fertilizer to your grape hyacinths every four to six weeks during the growing season.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package, as too much fertilizer can damage the plant.

One important note – you don’t have to use store-bought fertilizers for these plants. Composted manure is totally fine! That’s what I use for all of my flowers, in fact.

Temperature and Humidity

These plants prefer cool weather and well-drained soils, and they will often bloom even before the last frost has passed. For best results, grape hyacinths should be planted in an area that receives full sun.

However, they will also tolerate partial shade. In terms of temperature, grape hyacinths prefer cooler temperatures and will not do well in hot, humid climates. The ideal temperature range for grape hyacinths is between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

In terms of humidity, grape hyacinths prefer relatively dry conditions and will not tolerate excessive moisture. Too much humidity can cause the plants to rot or mildew.

Thus, when growing grape hyacinths, it is important to provide them with cool temperatures and well-drained soils.

Potting and Repotting Grape Hyacinth

Grape hyacinth is a beautiful spring-flowering bulb that’s easy to grow indoors. Once the flowers fade, the bulb can be kept in a cool, dark place until fall, when it should be replanted outdoors.

If you want to keep your grape hyacinth bulbs indoors permanently, you’ll need to repot them every few years. The best time to repot is in the fall, after the plant has bloomed.

When choosing a pot, make sure it’s only one or two sizes larger than the current pot. Be sure to use a well-draining potting mix, and water regularly.

Forcing Indoor Bulbs

One way to enjoy flowers indoors during the winter is to force grape hyacinth bulbs to bloom.

The process is surprisingly simple and only takes a few weeks. First, find a pot that is about twice the size of the bulb and fill it with well-drained soil. Then, plant the bulbs close together, pointed side up.

Water the soil well and place the pot in a cool, dark location for six to eight weeks. Once the shoots start to emerge, gradually move the pot into a sunny spot.

Companion Plants

If you’re looking for companion plants for grape hyacinths, there are a few things to consider.

First, look for plants that will bloom at the same time as the grape hyacinths. This will create a cohesive design in your garden. Additionally, choose plants that have similar watering needs.

Too much or too little water can damage delicate grape hyacinths, so it’s important to choose companions that won’t put them at risk. Some good companion plants for grape hyacinths include daffodils, tulips, and crocuses.


If you have grape hyacinths in your garden, you may be wondering whether or not to mulch them.

Mulching can help to protect the bulbs from temperature extremes, insulate the roots, and prevent weeds from growing. However, it’s important to use the right type of mulch and to apply it correctly.

Pine needles and oak leaves make a good choice for grape hyacinths, as they break down slowly and provide a consistent level of insulation.

When applying mulch, be sure to leave a space around the base of the plant so that water can reach the roots. Mulching grape hyacinths can be a great way to improve the health of your plants and give them a head start in the spring.

Common Pests and Diseases

Grape hyacinths are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases. The most common problems include aphids, spider mites, slugs, and leaf spot.

To prevent these insects and other problems, it is important to water your grape hyacinths regularly and fertilize them with a balanced fertilizer.

If you do notice any pests or diseases, it is important to treat them immediately. Otherwise, they could spread quickly and damage your plants.

Cutting Back the Leaves

Many gardeners enjoy the colorful blooms of grape hyacinths, but after the flowers fade, the plants can be a bit unsightly.

The good news is that it’s easy to tidy up grape hyacinths by cutting back the leaves. Not only does this give the plants a neater appearance, but it also helps to encourage new growth.

To cut back grape hyacinth leaves, simply snip them off at the base with a pair of sharp scissors.

Be sure to dispose of the leaves in the trash; do not compost them, as they can potentially spread disease to other plants. With just a little bit of effort, you can keep your grape hyacinths looking their best all season long!

When and How to Harvest Grape Hyacinth

Grape hyacinths can be harvested as soon as they flower. However, the bulbs will be smaller at this stage. If you wait until the leaves start to die back, the bulbs will be larger but may be more difficult to dig up.

Carefully dig up the bulbs, being careful not to damage them. Wash the bulbs thoroughly and allow them to dry completely. Once they’re dry, you can store them in a cool, dark place until you’re ready to use them.

Grape hyacinths can be eaten raw or cooked. They have a mild, slightly sweet flavor that goes well in salads or as a garnish for other dishes. So go ahead and add grape hyacinths to your menu – your taste buds will thank you!

The flowers, on the other hand, can be harvested at any time after they’ve appeared on the plant. Just make sure you don’t trim them all off at once! The flowers should last a few days in the refrigerator.

Harvesting the Bulbs to Replant

Grape hyacinths can be left in the ground indefinitely, but will usually produce the best display when they are allowed to rest for a year or two between blooming.

If you decide to dig up your grape hyacinths, the best time to do so is immediately after they finish blooming. Carefully dig up the entire bulb, then brush off any excess dirt and allow the bulbs to dry in a cool, dark place.

Once they are completely dry, you can store the bulbs in a mesh bag or an open box filled with dry sand or peat moss.

Grape hyacinths are best planted in early fall, about six weeks before the first frost. They prefer well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Since they take several years to reach maturity, it is best to plant them in small clusters rather than as individual bulbs.

Grape Hyacinth Uses

These versatile plants can be used in a variety of ways, from naturalizing woodland areas to adding color to rock gardens. They also make excellent cut flowers and can even be dried for use in potpourri or arrangements.

Of course, they are also edible!

The bulbs of the grape hyacinth can be eaten raw or cooked and have a mild, onion-like flavor. The leaves and flowers can also be used as garnishes or added to salads.

In addition to being a tasty treat, the grape hyacinth is also known for its medicinal properties. The bulbs contain compounds that have been shown to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Moreover, the bulbs are a good source of fiber and antioxidants. Thus, the grape hyacinth is not only a lovely addition to your garden, but it can also be a healthy addition to your diet.

Grape Hyacinth Recipes

While grape hyacinths are best known for their purplish-blue flowers, they also make a delicious addition to many recipes. The small bulbs can be roasted and added to salads or roasted meats, while the flowers can be used to make a pretty garnish.

Grape hyacinths also have a mild, sweet flavor that makes them a perfect addition to baked goods. So next time you’re looking for a unique ingredient for your next dish, consider using grape hyacinths. You might just be surprised by how delicious they are.

Below is one of my favorite recipes for grape hyacinth flowers. You’ve got to give it a try!

Grape Hyacinth Cordial

Once you have harvested some of the tiny flowers, by carefully snipping the blossoms at the stem, you will want to try this delicious cordial for a refreshing summer drink!

To make this you will need:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup blossoms

To make:

  1. In a heavy-bottomed skillet, bring to a boil the water and sugar.
  2. Add the blossoms, and turn off the heat.
  3. Cover and allow to infuse for 1 hour.
  4. Drain the blossoms and compost.
  5. In an iced tea glass filled with ice, add 3 Tablespoons of syrup.
  6. Fill the glass the rest of the way with seltzer water. Enjoy immediately.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know a little more about grape hyacinths, consider adding these charming flowers to your garden this year. They are easy to grow and add a touch of springtime beauty to any landscape.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you might even want to try foraging for them in the wild. Who knows, you may have some growing right in your backyard!

Have you ever foraged for your food? Will you look for grape hyacinths or plant them yourself this year?

Grape Hyacinth pin image

19 thoughts on “Grape Hyacinth: How To Forage For, Grow Yourself, and Use”

      1. No! No! No! The large multicolored ornamental hyacinths are an entirely different species. They are very toxic and should never be eaten. The small thin grape hyacinth is very clear in that picture. The florets never open but remain ball shaped and look like a bunch of grapes on a stem. They are purple. The larger ornamental hyacinths come in many colors and their individual florets open like tiny trumpets. Side by side they are easy to tell apart.

    1. NO! Grape hyacinth are much smaller than the large fragrant hyacinth and you certainly shouldn’t eat regular hyacinths!

    2. Cultivated Grape Hyacinths, not the big showy many colored ornamental hyacinths! Grape Hyacinths are skinny, they have purple florets that are round, like a bunch of grapes on top of a stem. They don’t open up like the florets on ornamental hyacinths. Do not eat the large ornamental hyacinths.

    3. No! The cultivated one are toxic just like daffodils. This article is talking about about a small onion-like lawn weed. Be very careful of onion-like or garlic-like weeds. There are several poisonous family members, and also look-alikes. Death Camas, Crow Poison, and Lily of the Valley, etc. Don’t forage ignorant. Get a wild flower ID books and learn what you are doing first.

      The carrot/celery family is also risky for foragers. Be careful.

  1. This is a lovely article. We think the plants we have are grape hyacinth, but are unsure. If they are, could the blossoms and stems be used to decorate napkins or plated food?

    1. If they are edible they may be used for garnishing food. Whether eating or garnishing raise these organically. No chemical fertilizers or pest detergents! And wash well before using.

  2. I’ve been collecting these little blooms all season and last season because they smelled wonderful. I’ve been dry out and putting away. I figured I would figure out what they were later. I thought If I couldn’t use them medicinally than in my magical rituals as dark purple and blue flowers have great magic properties. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that they’re edible. I don’t think I use mine medicinally due to where the I collected but this is wonderful to learn. Thanks

  3. This is great. I grew up with these flowers in my yard, so I was delighted to learn they are edible. It may help those confused by the difference between these and the other hyacinth by pointing out that these are quite small, like a crocus, or snowdrop. The entire flower cluster is probably less than an inch wide at the widest part. I hope that helps clear up a little of the confusion. I really don’t know how anyone would have trouble telling the difference, especially since your lovely pictures show clearly what these look like fully bloomed.

  4. Fun tip. Instead of using seltzer to make a cordial, add lemon to it. It’s a fun science experiment (changes colors from the acid!) then add ice and water and you have yummy pink lemonade. My 9 year old and I had a blast foraging and experimenting.

  5. Elvera cochrell

    Thank you so much for the tips. I saw these coming up in my yard near the dandelions and wondered what they were. They smelled delicious, very floral and I wondered if I might be able to dry then and add them to my tea mix like I would with the lavender leaves. At any rate it is good to know they are eatable. I will gather them up along with the dandelion before cutting my grass.

  6. Wow I have this planted in my front yard! Thanks for sharing this information! They have been spreading a ton. I didn’t realize they were edible. I not all of them have bloomed yet, so I’ll need to wait before making this recipe but I can’t wait. I think I’ll use water kefir instead of seltzer water to make it a nice probiotic.

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