11 Ways To Get Rid of Chicken Mites Fast and Easy

Mites are tiny, eight-legged creatures that feed on the blood of chickens. They can cause a great deal of itching and skin damage to the birds, which can lead to decreased production and even death in severe cases.


If you suspect your flock has mites, it is important to take action quickly to get rid of them. There are several different ways to do this, all of which are fast and easy.

Keep reading for more information.

What Are Chicken Mites?

Chicken mites are tiny parasitic insects that feed on the blood of chickens. These mites are not visible to the naked eye and can cause a great deal of distress to your feathered friends.

Whole chicken mites do not typically cause serious illness in chickens, they can lead to anemia and weight loss. Additionally, chicken mites can be a nuisance to humans, as they will bite people if given the chance.

If you suspect that your chickens have mites, it is important to contact a vet or poultry specialist for treatment options. Taking prompt action will help to keep your chickens healthy and prevent the spread of these pesky pests.

Types of Chicken Mites

Chicken mites are tiny creatures that can cause a big problem for your flock. These parasites feed on blood, and they are most active at night.

Left unchecked, chicken mites can quickly decimate a flock. There are several different types of chicken mites, and each has its own unique characteristics.

Northern Fowl Mites

Northern fowl mites are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of chickens, turkeys, and other poultry. These mites are tiny, oval-shaped creatures that range in color from white to black.

Although they are rarely seen by the naked eye, they can cause serious problems for their avian hosts.

Northern fowl mites typically attach themselves to the feathers near a bird’s vent, which is located near the base of the tail. From there, they feed on the bird’s blood and lay their eggs.

A single mite can lay up to 20 eggs per day, and each egg hatches into a new mite within 7-10 days. As a result, an infestation of northern fowl mites can quickly get out of control.

Chickens and turkeys infected with northern fowl mites may lose their feathers, become anemic, and eventually die.

Scaly Leg Mites

Scaly-leg mites are another type of chicken mite. These parasites invade the legs and feet of chickens, causing the skin to become thick and scaly.

Scaly-leg mites can be difficult to eliminate, as they often hide inside the scales on the legs. In severe cases, scaly-leg mites can cause permanent damage to the legs and feet of chickens.

Depluming Mites

Depluming mites are small, spider-like creatures that live in the feathers of birds. While they are not harmful to humans, they can cause serious damage to a bird’s plumage.

These mites burrow into the shafts of feathers, causing them to fall out. In severe cases, depluming mites can cause a bird to lose all its feathers, leaving it vulnerable to predators and the elements.

Tropical Fowl Mites

Tropical fowl mites are tiny arachnids that feed on the blood of birds, which can lead to anemia, weight loss, and even death in severe cases. These mites are most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, hence their name.

However, they can also survive in temperate climates if they have access to a suitable host bird. In poultry farms, tropical fowl mites can cause significant losses by reducing egg production and causing bird mortality.

Red Roost Mites

Red mites are among the most common types of chicken mites. These tiny pests are reddish-brown in color and they thrive in warm, humid conditions.

Red mites typically hide in cracks and crevices during the day, coming out at night to feed on chickens. If left untreated, red mites can cause anemia and even death in chickens.

How Do Chickens Get Mites?

So how do chickens get mites in the first place? There are a few different ways.

Mites can hitch a ride on wild birds that land in your chicken coop. They can also be brought in on your clothes or shoes if you’ve been in an area where there are infected birds.

Once they’re in the coop, mites will start to feed on your chickens’ blood. From there, they will jump easily from chicken to chicken.

How To Check Chickens for Mites & Lice

How Can I Tell if My Chickens Have Mites?

Chickens are susceptible to a number of different parasites, including mites. These tiny creatures can cause a great deal of irritation and may even lead to anemia or death in severe cases. Fortunately, there are several ways to tell if your chickens have mites.

One of the most common signs is excessive scratching or pecking. Chickens will often try to relieve the itch by any means necessary, resulting in bald spots or raw skin.

The most common symptom, in fact, is heavy feather loss, which can leave your chickens looking bald and scruffy.

Mites can also be seen with the naked eye, particularly around the vent or under the wings. You may also notice your chickens spending more time dust-bathing, as this helps to relieve the itchiness.

What is the Difference Between Chicken Mites and Lice?

Chicken mites and lice are both tiny insects that can cause big problems for your flock. Both pests feed on blood, and can cause anemia, weight loss, and decreased egg production in chickens.

However, there are some key differences between chicken mites and lice.

Chicken mites are much smaller than lice, and are reddish-brown in color. They are also more active, and can often be seen running around on the birds.

In contrast, lice are wingless insects that are dark brown or black in color. They cling tightly to the feathers, and are often found near the base of the tail.

Lice also lay their eggs (called nits) on the feathers, whereas chicken mites lay their eggs in cracks and crevices around the coop.

Because of these differences, it is important to be able to identify both chicken mites and lice so that you can take steps to control them.

How to Prevent Chicken Mites

Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent chicken mites from becoming a problem.

Get Rid of Wild Birds

Mites are most often spread by wild birds, which is why it’s important to get rid of wild birds if you want to prevent chicken mites.

One way to do this is to install bird netting around your chicken coop. This will create a barrier that will keep wild birds out.

Offer Dustbathing Spots

Dustbathing is a natural behavior for chickens, and it helps to remove any parasites that might be on their feathers.

You can make a dust bath by filling a shallow container with sand, dirt, or ash. Just make sure the spot is in a shady area so your chickens don’t overheat.

You can also add some herbs to the dust bath to help repel chicken mites. Rosemary and lavender are two good options.

Using Diatomaceous Earth in Chicken Coops, Dust Baths, and on Chickens ||100% Natural|| LINK IN DESC

Add Diatomaceous Earth to the Dust Bath

One of the most effective mite-prevention strategies is to add diatomaceous earth to the dust bath.

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-occurring substance made up of fossilized algae. Its sharp edges cut through the exoskeletons of mites, causing them to dehydrate and die.

As an added bonus, diatomaceous earth also helps to control external parasites like lice and ticks.

To use it, simply sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth in the dust bath area and let your chickens enjoy a nice dust bath as usual. The diatomaceous earth will do the rest!

Change Coop and Nesting Box Bedding Often

One of the most important things you can do is to change the bedding in your coop and nesting boxes regularly.

Mites thrive in dirty, cluttered environments, so by keeping the area clean and tidy you can help discourage them from taking up residence.

Spread Wood Ash

One way to help prevent the spread of chicken mites is to spread wood ash around the perimeter of your coop.

The ash will create a barrier that the mites cannot cross, and it will also help to deter other pests, such as snakes and rats.

11 Ways to Get Rid of Chicken Mites Fast and Easy

Whole chicken mites are difficult to eradicate completely, there are a few treatments that can help to control the population.

1. Use Antiparasitic Chemicals

Fortunately, there are a number of effective antiparasitic chemicals that can be used to treat chicken mites. The most common treatment is ivermectin, which is applied directly to the skin of the chicken.

Ivermectin works by paralyzing the mite, which allows it to be easily removed from the chicken’s feathers.

Another common treatment is Amitraz, which is applied as a spray or dip. Amitraz works by killing the mite outright, and it also has a repellent effect that helps to keep new mites from infesting the chicken.

2. Try Sevin Dust

Sevin dust is a powdered insecticide that can be sprinkled on the chickens or their coop. It is important to follow the directions on the Sevin dust carefully, as it can be harmful to humans if inhaled.

When used correctly, however, Sevin dust can help to eradicate chicken mites quickly and effectively.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for a variety of issues, including indigestion, weight loss, and even dandruff. However, did you know that it can also be used to treat chicken mites?

Apple cider vinegar is a safe and natural option that is just as effective. Simply add a cup of vinegar to a gallon of water and use it to clean your chicken coop.

You can also add a few tablespoons to your chicken’s water dish to help prevent mites from setting up shop.

How to Dust Chickens with Poultry Dust to Treat Lice & Mites

4. Use Poultry Dust

Poultry dust is a common treatment for chicken mites. It can be found at most feed stores or online.

Poultry dust is a powder that is sprinkled on the birds and around the coop. It will kill the mites and their eggs.

The powder will also help to prevent new mites from infesting your birds. Make sure to follow the directions on the package, and reapply as needed.

5. Make a Garlic Spray

One natural remedy is to make a garlic spray. Garlic is known to have natural insecticidal properties, and it’s also effective at repelling chicken mites.

To make the spray, simply blend several cloves of garlic with water and strain out the solids. Then, add the liquid to a spray bottle and use it to treat your chickens’ coop and nesting boxes. This easy-to-make spray can help to keep chicken mites at bay.

Treating Mites and Lice on Chickens

6. Diatomaceous Earth (Again)

Simply sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around your coop and on your birds, and the mites will be gone in no time!

7. Quarantine Affected Birds

Isolate any affected birds in a separate coop or pen. This will help to prevent the mites from spreading to healthy birds.

Cleaning Out the Chicken Coop for Mites

8. Clean the Coop Well

The best way to prevent an infestation is to keep your coop clean and dry. Remove any old bedding or straw that may be harboring mites and make sure to clean out any nesting boxes on a regular basis.

9. Use Neem Oil

One of the best ways to prevent chicken mites is to treat your chickens with neem oil. Neem oil is a natural substance that comes from the neem tree. It has been used for centuries in India as a natural insecticide and repellent.

When applied to chicken coops and nests, it creates an environment that is hostile to mites, making it less likely that they will take up residence in your flock.

Neem oil is safe for chickens and humans alike, so it is an ideal way to keep chicken mites at bay.

10. Try Predatory Mites

One option is to use predatory mites. These are small mites that feed on other mites, effectively keeping their population in check.

Predatory mites can be purchased from most farm supply stores. Simply release them into your chicken coop and they will go to work eliminating the mite population.

Be sure to monitor the situation closely, as predatory mites may need to be replenished periodically.

11. Use Vaseline

Simply apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your chickens’ feathers, and the mites will be trapped and suffocated. Not only is this method effective, but it is also completely safe for your chickens.

Can Mites Kill Chickens?

Can mites kill chickens? It’s possible, but it’s more likely that they’ll just make your chickens miserable.

Mites are tiny parasitic arthropods that live off the blood of their host. They can cause anemia, weight loss, and sometimes even death in severe cases.

A chicken’s immune system can usually keep mite populations in check, but if the bird is already sick or under stress, the mites can quickly get out of control.

Mites also spread diseases like scaly legs, so it’s important to deal with an infestation as soon as possible. If you suspect your chickens have mites, consult a vet or poultry specialist for advice on treatment options.

Can Humans Get Mites from Chickens?

Mites are tiny parasitic creatures that can infest both animals and humans. While there are many different types of mites, the two most common types that affect chickens are red mites and northern fowl mites.

Chickens can become infested with mites through contact with other infested animals or in contaminated environments, and the infestation can cause significant health problems for both chickens and humans. However, it is important to note that humans cannot get mites from chickens.

Mites require a host to survive and reproduce, and they cannot complete their life cycle on humans. As a result, the infestation of chickens with mites does not pose a risk to human health.

Final Thoughts

If you are experiencing a chicken mite infestation, take heart. There are many ways to get rid of chicken mites fast and easy. Consider one of the following methods to help clear up your problem right away.

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