Can Geese Eat Fruit? Is it Safe?

I think most folks, and certainly all of us who own geese, know by now that they are predominantly herbivores that eat a huge variety of plant matter.

collage of geese eating various foods
A collage of geese eating various foods

Leafy greens are a constant favorite and a staple for geese whether they are in a domestic setting or out in the wild, but do geese eat things like fruit?

And when you think about it, it makes sense because there are wild fruits that they could get on bushes and trees, but it still isn’t something you hear about very often. So, can geese actually eat fruit, and is it safe for them to do so?

Yes, fruit is generally safe for geese to eat and nutritious for them, though they should not get very much in their diet due to the sugar content.

Fruit is a great example of a wholesome, natural food that still isn’t necessarily a staple menu item for geese.

Many kinds of fruit are highly nutritious as we will learn, but because of their sugar content, they should only have it in strict moderation.

Nonetheless, you can look forward to incorporating it into your flock’s diet. I’ll tell you what you more on the topic in the rest of this article…

Do Geese Like Fruit?

Yes, typically, geese like a wide variety of fruit. And of course, they like certain kinds more than others.

Fruits that are small, sweet, firm (but not too hard), and fragrant tend to be favorites of geese.

Is Fruit a Healthy Food for Geese?

Yes, many kinds of fruit are definitely healthy for geese, and can supply them with a big variety of vitamins and minerals they need. More than this, fruit tends to be an easily digestible source of energy which can help geese cope with injury, molting, heat stress, and more.

Adding fruit to the diet of geese is a great way to improve their overall vitality, help them recover from sickness, or just reward them with a tasty morsel that will improve their mood and help them break out of menu fatigue.

All good benefits, no doubt about it, but it’s up to you to be responsible when giving fruit to your flock. It is entirely possible to give them too much of a good thing when it comes to fruit, no matter what kind of fruit it is!

Is Raw Fruit Safe for Geese?

Yes, raw fruit is totally safe for geese and almost every instance, no matter what kind it is. Raw fruit tends to be easy for them to eat and will also contain the best possible amounts of vitamins and minerals.

However, there are a few fruits out there that benefit from cooking to make them a little more tender and easier to digest.

Is Cooked Fruit Safe for Geese?

Yes, all kinds of cooked fruits are safe for geese. This assumes that there are no added ingredients, glazes, sugars, spices, and things like that.

None of that stuff is good for geese. Some very firm fruits (pumpkin, etc.) also benefit from cooking to soften them; this can make them easier for geese to swallow and digest.

However, one thing to in mind is that cooking fruit will always significantly reduce its vitamin content, and even its mineral content to a degree. That means it is less healthy overall for your flock!

Can Geese Have Seeds?

Yes, broadly speaking geese can eat fruit seeds with no problems. The exceptions are any seeds that are too large to swallow safely or any that contain cyanide-related compounds. Stone fruit seeds, peach pits, apricot pits, apple seeds and pear seeds are no-go’s.

Can Geese Eat the Skin of Fruits?

Yes, as a general rule of thumb. However, certain kinds of fruit skins that take the form of a hard outer shell or a thick and generally indigestible rind should be removed.

Thin skins are safe for geese to eat, but things like pumpkin skin and watermelon rind should be discarded.

Are Apples Okay for Geese?

Yes, they sure are. Apples are fine for geese as long as you remove the core and the seeds, and chop them up into small bites that they can handle.

Are Blueberries Safe for Geese?

Yes. Blueberries are a great option for a sweet, fragrant treat for your birds.

Are Raspberries and Blackberries Safe for Geese?

Yes, they are! Blackberries and raspberries alike are safe, nutritious and greatly favored by geese.

Are Strawberries Safe for Geese?

They are. Strawberries are another surefire favorite that your geese will love. They can even eat the small green leaves on the top of the berry.

Are Pears Safe for Geese?

Yes, pears are safe and good for geese. As with apples, remove the core and the seeds before serving and cut up into smaller chunks.

Can Geese Have Bananas?

Yes, geese can have bananas but cautiously. They are very sugary and so soft they can potentially cause problems with their crop. Surprisingly, unripe, green bananas are a much better option for geese!

Can Geese Have Grapes?

Yes, they can. Grapes are nutritious and tasty and very easy for geese to eat, but so watery and sugary that they should have them in very limited amounts.

Can Geese Have Raisins?

Yes. Raisins are just dehydrated grapes, and assuming they don’t have any added sugar or ingredients they are fine for geese, but you’ve got to watch the quantity: they are very sugary and highly caloric.

Can Geese Have Pumpkins?

Yes, they can, but pumpkin takes a little bit of preparation. Geese can eat the seeds with no problem, but they won’t be able to handle that tough, thick outer skin or the stringy guts. Cut the flesh into smaller cubes and consider lightly cooking to soften.

Can Geese Have Melons?

Yes, they can. All sorts of melons are good for geese and they really enjoy eating them. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew and more are on the menu for your feathered friends. The seeds of all such fruits are also fine.

Can Fruit Hurt Geese in Any Way?

Aside from the risk of choking on a pit or the potential hazard caused by seeds which contain cyanide precursors, mentioned above, the major concern with fruit is nutritional imbalance or overindulgence.

Most fruits are very juicy and packed with sugar, and if geese eat too much, this can easily lead to indigestion and subsequent diarrhea. That can be a bigger problem or a smaller problem depending on the health of your goose and its age.

A bigger risk, and one that’s a little more insidious, is malnutrition. Fruit is definitely good for your birds, no question, but they mustn’t get too much of it.

For starters, it isn’t nutritionally complete, and they cannot thrive on food alone. But then if you allow them to overindulge on fruit, they’ll miss out on other foods that could be healthier for them overall.

How Often Should Geese Eat Fruit?

The amount of fruit that geese get, and how often they get it, is dependent on the specific type of fruit. But as a rule of thumb, on average I will feed my geese about two small servings a week.

This is more than enough to let them benefit from the nutrients found in fruit without risking any serious issues.

Of course, this assumes that they’re still getting a well-rounded diet full of other things that they need, and that you keep an eye on them and reduce the fruit intake if they show signs of indigestion.

What’s the Best Way to Serve Fruit to Geese?

Once again, it totally depends on what kind of fruit. But the basic guideline is it any fruit should have hard or indigestible parts removed and, if necessary, be cut up or otherwise prepared in such a way that geese have small bites of a manageable size to swallow.

Never Give Geese Fruit If It’s Rotting or Moldy

As with anything else that you would feed your geese, don’t give them fruit that has gone bad. If any of the fruit, that you bought at the grocery or grew it yourself, is moldy, slimy, rotting or otherwise bad, throw it away!

Don’t give that stuff to your geese because it can make them deathly ill, or maybe even kill them. Just because they’re willing to eat it doesn’t mean it is okay for them…

Is Fruit Safe for Goslings, Too?

Yes, but cautiously. Most kinds of fruit are okay for baby geese to eat once they’ve grown up a little bit, typically between 5 and 6 weeks of age. Even then, you want to keep the quantities and the size of the pieces very small.

Baby geese must achieve their nutritional requirements at this important stage of life if they are going to develop properly and grow up healthy.

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