Can Pigs Eat Eggs? Is It Safe?

Pigs have a reputation for being able to eat absolutely anything, but as any owner knows by now the reality doesn’t quite live up to that.

pig eating hard boiled eggs

Pigs have specific nutritional requirements, and they can get sick if those requirements are not met or if they are given substandard or harmful food.

Accordingly, it is a good idea to carefully assess the pig’s diet before feeding them anything out of the ordinary. How about eggs? Can pigs eat eggs?

Yes, pigs can eat eggs and limited quantities. All parts of an egg are safe for pigs including the shell and yolk. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for pigs. However, raw eggs may lead to indigestion, diarrhea, and illness.

Pigs are omnivores, and that means they need both plant and animal-based nutrition. Eggs can definitely be a component of their diet, but there is a lot to know about safely giving eggs to pigs. Keep reading and we will tell you all about it.

Nutritional Benefits of Eggs for Pigs

Eggs offer a lot of nutritional benefits for pigs, and that is one of the reasons they can be such a great addition to their diet.

A single large egg has around 6 grams of protein, which is essential for growth and maintenance.

Eggs also contain all of the essential amino acids that pigs need in order to build muscle and other tissues along with a great assortment of vitamins and minerals. Among them, are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, selenium, choline, and lutein.

Vitamin A is important for maintaining vision and a healthy immune system, while vitamin D helps with calcium absorption and bone health.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage, while selenium has been linked to cancer prevention.

Choline is important for proper liver function, and lutein is essential for eye health. As you can see, all of these nutrients are vital to pigs’ health and well-being.

Is Egg Good for Pigs?

Despite some assertions to the contrary, yes, eggs are good for pigs when given in moderation and with attention paid to proper preparation.

Can a Pig Eat Raw Eggs?

Pigs can eat raw eggs, but you should not serve them this way. Raw eggs can cause indigestion, diarrhea, and illness in pigs. If you want to feed your pigs eggs, you should cook them first.

Can You Feed a Pig Cooked Eggs?

Yes, and this is the best way to give eggs to your pigs. Cooking will prevent foodborne illness and make the nutrients in the egg more bioavailable to your pigs.

Can Pigs Have Boiled Eggs?

Yes, boiled eggs are 100% okay for pigs.

Can Pigs Eat Fried Eggs?

Yes, as long as they are gently pan-fried. Excess oil or other fats are bad for your pigs.

Can Pigs Eat Eggshells?

Surprisingly, yes. Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, and they can actually help prevent nutritional deficiency. Just be sure to wash eggs thoroughly before feeding them to your pigs.

Don’t Give Your Pigs Eggs if it Was Made with Bad Ingredients

Cooking eggs is a smart move if you are going to give them to your pigs, but you must not stop there.

You also need to refrain from giving your pigs eggs made with things they should not have, such ingredients like oil, cheese, salt, pepper, and so on. These can all cause indigestion, diarrhea, and other problems.

Some conditions brought on by these ingredients can be very debilitating to pigs and even result in death.

Eggs are a good source of nutrition for pigs, but you need to take care of how you prepare them.

Be sure to cook the eggs thoroughly and avoid adding anything that could potentially harm your pigs.

How Many Eggs Can Pigs Have?

Eggs are definitely a good item for adding to the diet of your herd, but they are not something pigs need to be eating all the time or even every day.

In fact, most experts recommend only giving pigs eggs once or twice a week at most. This will help ensure your pigs get the nutrients they need without overdoing it and becoming sick.

THE HOBBY FARM. Pigs Eating Eggs. Crazy!

How to Give Eggs to Your Pigs

You have lots of options when it comes to preparing eggs for your pigs. You can hard-boil them, bake them, microwave them, or even poach them.

So long as the eggs are thoroughly cooked you can be sure they will like them. Microwaving the eggs in a large bowl will make the eggs fluffy and is one of the most convenient options.

Also consider bulking up your pigs’ meal by adding or stirring in cooked eggs to other foods, especially things like grains or veggies. A healthy scramble made with eggs is a great option for mealtime.

And remember, pigs can eat eggshells. So, if you have some leftover eggshells from making breakfast, don’t throw them away.

And you need not go through the hassle of peeling boiled eggs prior to serving them to your herd. Your pigs will be happy to chomp on them.

Can Baby Pigs Have Eggs, Too?

Yes, piglets can have eggs, but only if they are cooked. You should avoid feeding them raw eggs as there is a serious risk of illness for them.

Also, be sure to chop up the egg into smaller pieces so they can easily eat and digest it. Definitely avoid feeding piglets too many eggs as this could lead to runny stools, and dehydration.

In general, as long as a piglet is old enough to be eating solid food at all times then it is safe to give them eggs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Pigs Have Scrambled Eggs?

Yes, pigs can have scrambled eggs. As long as the egg is cooked properly it does not really matter what form it takes!

Can Pigs Eat Egg Yolks?

For clarity, yes, pigs can eat egg yolks and every other part of the egg. In fact, yolks are a good source of fat and protein for pigs.

Can Mini Pigs Have Eggshells?

Yes, mini pigs can eat eggshells along with their full-sized cousins. Just make sure that their egg intake is also proportional to their dietary needs. They need way less calories than other breeds!

Can Pigs Have Other Kinds of Eggs?

Pigs are not just limited to the chicken eggs that usually make an appearance on our breakfast tables.

Other avian eggs, like duck and even ostrich, are just fine for your pigs. As always, cook them before serving for maximum benefit and safety!

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