How To Can Chicken Soup with the raw pack method

I love filling my pantry with all the garden, and other homesteady goodness. It makes it so much easier to run to the pantry and grab a meal to go, so I also fill my pantry with home-canned beans and soups.

canned chicken soup
two jars of canned chicken soup

For a quick and easy meal, I can chicken soup. It’s truly a quick, nutritious meal. Just pop the top, heat, and serve.

Making and canning your own soup from scratch means that you control the ingredients, and you know exactly what’s in there.

Need less sodium? No problem, just leave it out. Want more or less garlic? Don’t like celery or carrots? When you make your own, you are the master chef. I love that part of cooking from scratch, don’t you?

One of our most loved soups, especially in the winter is chicken soup with noodles.

I love making it all from scratch when I have the time. But, with me in school full time, running a home, and homeschooling as well as our kids’ activities, I don’t always have the time to do so.

My kids have graciously taken over a lot of the meal preparation, but I try to keep it simple for them. This is a great way to have some grab-and-go meals at home, or when camping. You could also stick a couple of quarts in a bug-out bag, if you chose.

First, you will need a pressure canner for pressure canning chicken soup.

It contains low-acid veggies, as well as meat, and water canning will NOT be safe for this. I can this only in quarts because that is what my family will use, but feel free to adjust to pints. Please remember that water bath canning soup is not safe.

I get all my veggies and chicken breasts cut up at once, in separate bowls.

I am rather OCD like that, but you can put all your veggies in one bowl, and breast chunks in another, if that is easier for you. Then, in clean, sterilized quart jars,  add:

  • 1 cup of diced celery
  • 1 cup cut cup carrots
  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 1 cup of breast chunks.

This is canning chicken soup raw pack method. It’s easier pressure canning chicken soup with raw vegetables. They will cook as the soup in the jars is under pressure.

I don’t add garlic at this time, I wait until I open the jar and get ready to serve. I do it then because my family loves the flavor of garlic, and it seems to fade when it’s in a canned recipe.

Then, cover the ingredients with water or broth.

For a quick and easy meal, I can chicken soup. It's truly a quick, nutritious meal. Just pop the top, heat and serve.! The HomesteadingHippy

I have used both, and obviously, broth has more flavor, but the water will be great, too. You want to leave 1″ of headspace in the jar.

Wipe the top of the jar, removing any spilled grease or liquid to ensure a good seal, lay a clean lid, and tighten the band finger tight.

Process in your pressure canner for 90 minutes at 10PSI.

If you are using pints, then you only need to process for 75 minutes. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for different altitudes as well.

Allow the canner to cool naturally, and remove the jars. Let them cool in a nondrafty area for 24 hours and then wipe off, remove the band, and store. Any jars that didn’t seal need to be stored in the fridge and eaten within 3 days or reprocessed, using a new lid.

When serving, you will want to add salt and pepper, garlic, or parsley to taste.

Serving is also the time you add rice or noodles, just by bringing it to a boil and adding the starch directly to the soup. Easy, right? Do you can chicken soup? Will you try this recipe?


Making and storing your own soup makes meal prep a breeze! Can up some chicken soup today! The HomesteadingHippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #prepared

15 thoughts on “How To Can Chicken Soup with the raw pack method”

      1. Thanks. I am roasting a large chicken this weekend and will probably can soup but with cooked chicken and raw veggies. I’ll cook the chicken till just done so it won’t be too cooked. Your instructions seem pretty easy. And the pictures are a help. Thanks again.

    1. I have watched videos on raw canning chicken on the bone and they do not add any liquid as the chicken makes it own. But with soups, gumbos etc the jar is filled with water or broth. Does the chicken not make more liquid as it cooks within the jars?

      1. No. the water is removed from the chicken but it doesn’t increase the amount in the jar because the chicken shrinks as the water comes out. So the volume of the jar will remain what you put in.

  1. Hi Heather,
    This is an off of the topic question (sort of). I am new to camping and have canned many of your meat recipes this summer but I’m not sure how to or what to cook with them. I have canned beef, pork and whole chicken. Please post some ideas for us who aren’t as creative as you, haha

  2. Hello, I made the chicken soup today but I added fresh green beans instead of celery, I also packed it into 8 oz hard for single servings. It turned out great. I like having a choice of a smaller amount and adding garlic,, salt and pepper at serving. Thank you for keeping it simple. That is what I search for.?

  3. I made a large pot chicken Noodle soup with home made egg noodles, I am looking for pressured cooking time and if it is even ok to can the all ready cooked noodles, I have no freezer space left!

  4. Hi, I just made this chicken soup (first time pressure canning meat).. it all went well but the chicken is all glommed together in the jar.. is it still ok?

  5. I used this recipe to can 12 quarts of soup. My chicken glommed up in a lump in the bottom of the jar too. Even shaking it cannot separate this. Can someone PLEASE tell me if this is safe to store then feed to my family ??!!????

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